Wednesday, March 2, 2011


        I was filling out an application for something Marquette related the other day, and there was a question concerning "diversity" here. As much as I hate to admit it, that question seriously stumped me. I didn't know where to even begin to tackle it. That difficulty stemmed from my overall understanding of diversity. It's not a topic that I've really spent all that much time thinking about, so my internal understanding of diversity is much like everyone else's; I thought it was a physical difference. I always assumed that to be "diverse" meant to look different; to be of different religions, races, ethnicity etc. With that understanding, I had no way of answering my diversity question for my application.
        Now, I'm also a creative person; I like to write and think outside the box. With all of this being said, I was determined to really answer this question. I thought about everything I'm involved in on campus, my classes, my dorm, my friends. My thoughts began to linger on Gospel Choir and I couldn't quite figure out why. On the surface, how can MUGC be all that diverse? We're all there because we like to sing and/or use our voices to praise God. But then I went a little deeper, I thought about WHO was involved in MUGC, and what everyone contributes. That is where I found my true meaning of diversity.
        Diversity isn't about who's black, white, brown, or yellow. It's not about who's Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, or Muslim. It's not about where you're from. Diversity is about what you bring to the table. It's about your social location, your background. Your thoughts, passions, fears, strengths and weaknesses. With that definition, MUGC is most definitely diverse.
        We are a group of people who come together on a weekly basis to lift our voices together. We each bring our own "diversity" to the table. Not one of us is the same, yet we bond on a deep level through our common ground. We share our differences and use them to strengthen each other; lessen weaknesses; and become united as one VOICE.
        We are united through our diversity.

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