Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hey guys!

So I couldn't upload the videos here for whatever reason, BUT I finally got some of them up on YouTube. WHICH MEANS I can finally get them up here!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Concert Sounds

Unfortunatley, Blogger won't let me upload any videos. I'm going to try to get them up on our Facebook page or YouTube or SOMETHING, and attach the link! My utmost apologies!


What a success! Our concert went really well! I am both honored and proud to be a part of our beautiful choir. We had some really wonderful guest performances, including Nate's children, Arely, a choir member, with a trio from her church, as well as a few others.


Arely performing with the group from her church



Tenors, Altos, and Nate

Soprano Section

Alto Section
There was a definite Spirit alive in that room. You could feel the power, the gratefulness, the love and the passion. It was definitely a moving experience; moving some to tears. For me, this concert was a great release. It was a safe environment to "Let go, and let God". I, like so many others, truly sang my heart out, offering everything from fears and frustration to thanks and praise to God through song.

Cicely, MUGC President, and E-board

Matt, E-board, and Nate

Callista, MUGC President 2011-2012

Altos and Tenors

MUGC Agape

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I hate to admit it, but I have been slacking! I am so sorry! I don't have the video clips with me right now, so please check back for those! Things have been so nuts lately as the semester is winding down, and we at MUGC are gearing up for our CONCERT, which is THIS SATURDAY, April 9 at 3pm in the VARSITY THEATER! It's FREE! And there's a reception after, with free snacks! What can be better than some high quality vocal entertainment and snacks on a Saturday afternoon!!

The theme for our concert this semester is "Grateful", and our last rehearsal was very fitting. Like I say every week, we sounds absolutely amazing. Chills up and down my spine for a solid two hours, no joke. We heard the soloists, and an absolutely beautiful message about the true meaning of Gratefulness, and our voices blended together perfectly.

My favorite part of rehearsal always comes at the very end. We all come together and pray. We share intentions, praise, fears, and thanks. We come together and support each other in all of these thoughts and fears, and join hands in lifting up our prayers.

This last rehearsal felt like the most honest and vulnerable we have ever allowed ourselves to be; we entrusted ourselves in the hands of each other and allowed our inner thoughts to really speak out. It moved a lot of us, even to the point of tears.

What I'm really trying to say is that I am truly grateful for Marquette University Gospel Choir. I think I speak for everyone when I say I really pull my strength and energy for the week from this group. I am grateful for every individual, for Nate, Apryl, and Curtis, and for what we are as a group.

I really encourage you to experience what I mean, and join us as we sing about our own Gratefulness.