Monday, April 18, 2011


What a success! Our concert went really well! I am both honored and proud to be a part of our beautiful choir. We had some really wonderful guest performances, including Nate's children, Arely, a choir member, with a trio from her church, as well as a few others.


Arely performing with the group from her church



Tenors, Altos, and Nate

Soprano Section

Alto Section
There was a definite Spirit alive in that room. You could feel the power, the gratefulness, the love and the passion. It was definitely a moving experience; moving some to tears. For me, this concert was a great release. It was a safe environment to "Let go, and let God". I, like so many others, truly sang my heart out, offering everything from fears and frustration to thanks and praise to God through song.

Cicely, MUGC President, and E-board

Matt, E-board, and Nate

Callista, MUGC President 2011-2012

Altos and Tenors

MUGC Agape

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE ALL OF THE PICTURES/VIDEO!!!! You have done such a great job with the blog! :)
