Thursday, September 22, 2011


Our very own Emily Hoffmann has received the Pedro Arrupe award! 

This prestigious award was established to " recognize an outstanding student who exemplifies the spirit of a Marquette education by demonstrating significant leadership, as well as service within and beyond the Marquette community."  The award is named after Father Pedro Arrupe, SJ - "a man of simplicity, warmth and optimism, committed to serving the poor and leading others to explore the link between faith and justice."

Emily was nominated by a faculty member, and then underwent a formal interview process before being chosen as the recipient. 

Emily is being honored at mass tomorrow, September 23rd at  5:30pm in the Chapel of the Holy Family in the AMU. It would be great if a few of us could go to mass to support Emily!

Don't forget to give her a hug and say congratulations when you see her!! 

Let's get to know Emily a little better....

Year: Senior
Majors: International Affairs and Justice and Peace
Minor: Spanish Language and Literature
Plans for After College: Applying for programs and jobs now to work for a few years before returning for my Masters or JD
Dream Job: Working towards poverty reduction through education and resource distribution initiatives (domestically or internationally!)
Favorite MUGC Song: "Free" by Natalie Wilson and S.O.P.

Favorite Quote/interesting fact: "If you have come here to help me, go home.  If you have come here because you realize that your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."

Congratulations Emily! We are all SO proud of you!

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