Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Direction

MUGC is headed in a NEW DIRECTION this year!

We have started rehearsals, and we are sounding better than ever!

I am so excited to see what this semester brings for this group of warm people and beautiful voices! We already have a few exciting events both coming up and on the books!

This FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, we will be performing at the Inauguration of the new President of Marquette University, Fr.Pilarz! We are so excited to get our voice out there, and to do our part in welcoming the new president! Here is a little taste of what we will be performing...

We are also proud to announce that we will be teaming up with PURE DANCE MARQUETTE for part of our fall concert! The plan is for PURE Dance to perform at our concert, and then we will get the opportunity to perform at theirs as well!

So SAVE THE DATE! MUGC Fall Concert is NOVEMBER 5th at 3PM!You will NOT be disappointed!

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