Tuesday, October 25, 2011


BAHH! It has been a while since I've updated, but we have been very busy preparing for our upcoming concert and giving a special performance!

We had the chance to perform at the Inauguration of the 23rd president of Marquette University, Fr. Scott Pilarz, S.J! We were very excited to be able to welcome Fr. Pilarz to the Marquette Family, Gospel Choir style! Here are a few pictures of the group, and a video of our performance...

Part of the 2011 E-Board

I apologize for the quality, our videographer couldn't help but dance along!

 If you enjoyed that performance at all, you will be blown away by our concert! Clear your schedules now, NOVEMBER 5th 3pm in the Varsity Theater! Directly after the concert is a reception with food! It's all FREE! So now you have NO excuse not to come!

Here is one more video to entice you even more...

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Our very own Emily Hoffmann has received the Pedro Arrupe award! 

This prestigious award was established to " recognize an outstanding student who exemplifies the spirit of a Marquette education by demonstrating significant leadership, as well as service within and beyond the Marquette community."  The award is named after Father Pedro Arrupe, SJ - "a man of simplicity, warmth and optimism, committed to serving the poor and leading others to explore the link between faith and justice."

Emily was nominated by a faculty member, and then underwent a formal interview process before being chosen as the recipient. 

Emily is being honored at mass tomorrow, September 23rd at  5:30pm in the Chapel of the Holy Family in the AMU. It would be great if a few of us could go to mass to support Emily!

Don't forget to give her a hug and say congratulations when you see her!! 

Let's get to know Emily a little better....

Year: Senior
Majors: International Affairs and Justice and Peace
Minor: Spanish Language and Literature
Plans for After College: Applying for programs and jobs now to work for a few years before returning for my Masters or JD
Dream Job: Working towards poverty reduction through education and resource distribution initiatives (domestically or internationally!)
Favorite MUGC Song: "Free" by Natalie Wilson and S.O.P.

Favorite Quote/interesting fact: "If you have come here to help me, go home.  If you have come here because you realize that your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together."

Congratulations Emily! We are all SO proud of you!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oh Give Thanks!

We all say it every Monday...

"I love Gospel Choir!" or "I'm so happy to be here!" or "rehearsals give me the energy to get through my week!"

Every single one of these statements is TRUE! The energy and the spirit we bring to that room is honestly breathtaking. I am continuously impressed by the power and love we bring to life every single week, without fail.

This week seemed to be especially inspiring as we are gearing up for our first big performance of the year, this FRIDAY Sept. 23rd at the Inauguration! We sang through New Direction the first time, and absolutely nailed it! Not only did we hit every note and ring out on every harmony; but we had the spirit and the energy to really make the song come alive.

This week, I am giving thanks for Gospel Choir. I am so happy that I have the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful group of people. I am thankful for the energy and the love that I leave rehearsal with every week. I am thankful for the support and kindness Gospel Choir always brings to my life. I am thankful for our director, and for every single person involved with our group; singers, musicians, and supporters.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Meet the President!

This year, I'm proud to say we will be doing a meet the E-board section!

 This week we will get to know our wonderful president, Callista Pappas!

Callista Pappas
Year in school: SENIOR!!!
Major/Minors: Elementary Education and Psychology
Dream Job: Teaching and Coaching Running
Favorite Song MUGC has done: "He's Able" -Hezikiah Walker

Favorite Part of MUGC: The Prayer and Support
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite quote: One can do no great things, only small things with great love." Mother Teresa

Sunday, September 18, 2011

New Direction

MUGC is headed in a NEW DIRECTION this year!

We have started rehearsals, and we are sounding better than ever!

I am so excited to see what this semester brings for this group of warm people and beautiful voices! We already have a few exciting events both coming up and on the books!

This FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, we will be performing at the Inauguration of the new President of Marquette University, Fr.Pilarz! We are so excited to get our voice out there, and to do our part in welcoming the new president! Here is a little taste of what we will be performing...

We are also proud to announce that we will be teaming up with PURE DANCE MARQUETTE for part of our fall concert! The plan is for PURE Dance to perform at our concert, and then we will get the opportunity to perform at theirs as well!

So SAVE THE DATE! MUGC Fall Concert is NOVEMBER 5th at 3PM!You will NOT be disappointed!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hey guys!

So I couldn't upload the videos here for whatever reason, BUT I finally got some of them up on YouTube. WHICH MEANS I can finally get them up here!


Monday, April 18, 2011

Concert Sounds

Unfortunatley, Blogger won't let me upload any videos. I'm going to try to get them up on our Facebook page or YouTube or SOMETHING, and attach the link! My utmost apologies!


What a success! Our concert went really well! I am both honored and proud to be a part of our beautiful choir. We had some really wonderful guest performances, including Nate's children, Arely, a choir member, with a trio from her church, as well as a few others.


Arely performing with the group from her church



Tenors, Altos, and Nate

Soprano Section

Alto Section
There was a definite Spirit alive in that room. You could feel the power, the gratefulness, the love and the passion. It was definitely a moving experience; moving some to tears. For me, this concert was a great release. It was a safe environment to "Let go, and let God". I, like so many others, truly sang my heart out, offering everything from fears and frustration to thanks and praise to God through song.

Cicely, MUGC President, and E-board

Matt, E-board, and Nate

Callista, MUGC President 2011-2012

Altos and Tenors

MUGC Agape

Thursday, April 7, 2011


I hate to admit it, but I have been slacking! I am so sorry! I don't have the video clips with me right now, so please check back for those! Things have been so nuts lately as the semester is winding down, and we at MUGC are gearing up for our CONCERT, which is THIS SATURDAY, April 9 at 3pm in the VARSITY THEATER! It's FREE! And there's a reception after, with free snacks! What can be better than some high quality vocal entertainment and snacks on a Saturday afternoon!!

The theme for our concert this semester is "Grateful", and our last rehearsal was very fitting. Like I say every week, we sounds absolutely amazing. Chills up and down my spine for a solid two hours, no joke. We heard the soloists, and an absolutely beautiful message about the true meaning of Gratefulness, and our voices blended together perfectly.

My favorite part of rehearsal always comes at the very end. We all come together and pray. We share intentions, praise, fears, and thanks. We come together and support each other in all of these thoughts and fears, and join hands in lifting up our prayers.

This last rehearsal felt like the most honest and vulnerable we have ever allowed ourselves to be; we entrusted ourselves in the hands of each other and allowed our inner thoughts to really speak out. It moved a lot of us, even to the point of tears.

What I'm really trying to say is that I am truly grateful for Marquette University Gospel Choir. I think I speak for everyone when I say I really pull my strength and energy for the week from this group. I am grateful for every individual, for Nate, Apryl, and Curtis, and for what we are as a group.

I really encourage you to experience what I mean, and join us as we sing about our own Gratefulness.

Monday, March 21, 2011

First day back!

I must say I wish spring break had been a bit longer, but rehearsal today was fantastic! We sounded AMAZING! The vibe was great! Everyone just seemed to be in good spirits. I must say, I was super disappointed though, my camera died JUST before things got really crazy! And it won't let me upload the videos I took! I'll try and make it work a little later. Here's some of what I DID get a chance to capture today...

E-Board making announcements

Nate directing the Sopranos and the Tenors in a new song
for Mount Mary Jamboree coming up in April

Monday, March 7, 2011

Midterm Week

Ohh midterm week. It is SO stressful, but Gospel Choir has a way of cheering me up and motivating me! Although I have to admit that today wasn't the best rehearsal we've ever had. I think we all were a little drained as this time of year is super hectic.
Nate seemed to be especially silly though, so all the laughs kept us going, and definitely inspired me to keep my head up! We got to hear a soloist today! Actually, it was the soloist for my favorite song, "There Is No Way"(the clip below! Sorry about the picture!), and she sounds fantastic! I can't wait to hear her at the concert! It'll be sad not having rehearsal next week because of spring break! Can't wait to get back!! 

Altos "grooving" as Nate likes to say
Nate and Katie, an alto
Nate and the sopranos

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


        I was filling out an application for something Marquette related the other day, and there was a question concerning "diversity" here. As much as I hate to admit it, that question seriously stumped me. I didn't know where to even begin to tackle it. That difficulty stemmed from my overall understanding of diversity. It's not a topic that I've really spent all that much time thinking about, so my internal understanding of diversity is much like everyone else's; I thought it was a physical difference. I always assumed that to be "diverse" meant to look different; to be of different religions, races, ethnicity etc. With that understanding, I had no way of answering my diversity question for my application.
        Now, I'm also a creative person; I like to write and think outside the box. With all of this being said, I was determined to really answer this question. I thought about everything I'm involved in on campus, my classes, my dorm, my friends. My thoughts began to linger on Gospel Choir and I couldn't quite figure out why. On the surface, how can MUGC be all that diverse? We're all there because we like to sing and/or use our voices to praise God. But then I went a little deeper, I thought about WHO was involved in MUGC, and what everyone contributes. That is where I found my true meaning of diversity.
        Diversity isn't about who's black, white, brown, or yellow. It's not about who's Catholic, Baptist, Jewish, or Muslim. It's not about where you're from. Diversity is about what you bring to the table. It's about your social location, your background. Your thoughts, passions, fears, strengths and weaknesses. With that definition, MUGC is most definitely diverse.
        We are a group of people who come together on a weekly basis to lift our voices together. We each bring our own "diversity" to the table. Not one of us is the same, yet we bond on a deep level through our common ground. We share our differences and use them to strengthen each other; lessen weaknesses; and become united as one VOICE.
        We are united through our diversity.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Rehearsal Pictures, February 28

Matt directing the choir in a warm up

Our beloved director, Nate


Agape Choir with Nate

Two by Two's

I got back from choir about 20 minutes ago, early!! That hardly ever happens! Today was a tad TERRIFYING for some of us, as we did two by two's! Our director, Nate, picks two sopranos, altos, and a tenor (as our tenor group is pretty small, but they rock it out!) to sing through a selection of songs. Everyone sounded great! My favorite part of these, if there is such a thing, is the support everyone gives each other. That's one of my favorite parts of MUGC in general, we love and support each other and never hesitate to show it! After two by two's we ran through each of our five songs, as we are getting closer and closer to our SPRING CONCERT!! I have to tell you, we're sounding pretty darn good!!

 I tried to take a video today, but the quality didn't turn out so well. I'll try again next week!

I got some good pictures, so I'll upload those too!

Hopefully I'll have some choir member interviews up soon too!

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Welcome to the Marquette University Gospel Choir blog!

This blog will serve as a link to the group, giving updates as to what we're doing in class, upcoming performances, and introducing you to the choir! 

There should be at least one update a week, either on Monday or Tuesday. 

Please comment and follow!